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Ongoing learning and educational opportunities are incredibly important to us. We recognize that information, language, and research are continuously evolving, and we are committed to engaging with the most current resources and learning opportunities. This page has been created to share the ongoing educational materials that have been valuable to our growth.


Online visual course for Opioid poisonings assessment and Naloxone administration presented by Towards the Heart.


De-escalation training to help laypeople recognize and respond to common community crises, and offered some background on the functioning of CAHOOTS as well.


Safer substance use and hepatitis C prevention. Guide created by CATIE


CATIE video series of  Harm Reduction Fundamentals


Incredible community work is happening across the country and around the world. Much of this learning takes place in various spaces, and we wanted to create a page that brings together collective ideologies and resources to make it easier for others to find some of the best harm reduction materials. This page will be regularly updated with new resources as we come across them. If you have additional resources that have been helpful and effective in your learning, please share them through our contact page.

Harm Redux Gear

Quick links to safer techniques when using Harm Reduction supplies, prep and tips. 

Online Free Courses & tools

Peer Worker Training

The BC Peer Worker Training Curriculum is designed to deliver uniform educational resources that are accessible across the province, evidence-based, and informed by the lived and living experiences of people who use substances.

Bevel Up

Bevel Up is a professional learning resource that follows street nurses as they deliver non-judgmental, compassionate and trauma-informed healthcare to people who use drugs and work in the sex trade on the streets of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

In Our Backyard

It’s Our Backyard Too: Building Community-Centered Support for Harm Reduction

Welcome to NHRC’s Policy and Advocacy Community Engagement Toolkit titled “It’s Our Backyard Too: Building Community-Centered Support for Harm Reduction.”

Creative Interventions

A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO STOP INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE: Creative Interventions was founded to shift education and resources back to families and communities. Established in 2004, the project aimed to place knowledge and power among those most impacted by violence. Creative Interventions sought to make support and safety more accessible, stop violence at early stages of abuse, and create possibilities for once abusive individuals and communities to evolve towards healthy change and transformation.

Harm Reduction Fundamentals

This toolkit provides foundational information on harm reduction for service providers working with people who use drugs (including support workers, outreach workers, nurses and workers with lived and living experience). The toolkit is free to access and is available to anyone to use or share for personal learning, organizational trainings and/or other capacity-building efforts.

Trauma Informed Care (TIC)

The purpose of the Trauma Informed Care (TIC) eLearning series is to provide a foundational understanding of the principles of trauma informed care, and the role it plays in supporting the health and recovery of individuals who have experienced traumatic events.

Theories & Lit

Indigenous Harm Reduction = Reducing the Harms of Colonialism 

Mainstream harm reduction practices, such as naloxone distribution and opioid substitution therapies, have been proven to save lives; however, they are narrowly focused on substance using behaviours and do not address the broader social and system-wide issues that contribute to and intersect with substance use for Indigenous peoples in the first place. For Indigenous communities, harm reduction = reducing the harms of colonization.

Moving beyond Four Pillars

With staggering rates of HIV, Hepatitis C, and injection-drug use amongst Indigenous peoples, it is clear that current mainstream models of harm reduction and public health may not be meeting Indigenous peoples where we’re at, or meeting our needs. What could harm reduction look like outside of urban centres in rural, northern and remote communities?

The Revolution will not be Sober

The problem with notions of “radical sobriety” & “intoxication culture”

Authors: Alexander McClellandZoë Dodd   Date: July 15, 2016

Sober Saviorism Is Killing Drug Users

Like White saviorism, sober saviorism is based on coercion and control. It’s also inherently violent. How can we do better? 

Nicole M. Luongo    Nov 11, 2020

Principles of Healing-Centered Harm Reduction

Harm reduction is a both a belief in and uplifting of the basic human rights of people who use drugs, which includes practical strategies that address poor public health outcomes associated with drug use. These principles and practices are also applied towards sex work and responses to violence. Harm reduction is a necessary and effective part of the drug use, sex work, and anti-violence care continuum which recognizes and helps accelerate a person’s survival.

Taking Risks is a Path to Survival

Title: Taking Risks is A Path to Survival

Authors: Alexander McClellandZoë Dodd     Date: October 8, 2017


Harm Reduction, Abolition, & Social Work

Shira Hassan is a lifelong harm reductionist and prison abolitionist, Shira has been working on community accountability for nearly 25 years and has helped young people of color start their own organizing projects across the country. Join Shira Hassan for a conversation about Harm Reduction, Abolition and Social Work: Reflections on 25 Years of Resistance and Cooptation. Hosted by Haymarket Books

Zone Of Fabulousness

Vikki Reynolds, who’s an activist and therapist who works to bridge the worlds of social justice with community work and therapy. An adjunct professor, she’s written and presented internationally on her work, responding to the opioid catastrophe, refugees and survivors of torture, and supporting violence, mental health, substance abuse, housing, and shelter counselors in gender and sexually diverse communities. Explore how to find our zone of fabulousness and the power of collective accountability in the face of work experiences that can lead to “burnout”. Look to the additional videos by Vikki Reynolds on this page.

Harm Reduction 101

Experts from several areas of harm reduction discussed the benefits and challenges associated with harm reduction approaches, policies that can advance harm reduction, their personal experiences with harm reduction services and the importance of providing a range of harm reduction services to the public. Panelists spoke to the importance of harm reduction for illegal drug use, sexual health, tobacco use and more.

Crystal Meth crisis response - eLearning

A series of five videos explaining how to respond to the growing crystal meth crisis for hospitals, primary care providers, shelters, drop-in’s, justice system and community based provider.



Are you passionate about Harm Reduction? Do you love people who use drugs? Are you wanting to engage in ongoing learning and building stronger communities? Fill out the volunteer form.


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